Festival Tips From The Angels

LOOKING great at a festival is as tricky as it is mandatory for the stars whose pictures will be taken endlessly as they scurry from stage to stage. While sunny Coachella may not quite pose the same challenges as mud-drenched Glastonbury, it's the first major festival of the year and provides great sartorial and beauty inspiration for the coming summer of music events. We grabbed two of the newest Victoria's Secret Angels - Jasmine Tookes and Josephine Skriver - at this year's event to find out their advice for looking and feeling good at festivals this summer.

What are your festival dos?

Jasmine Tookes: Definitely pack comfortable but stylish clothes for long days with lots of pictures. Bralettes are perfect for that kind of a look. Hydrate because it gets very hot during the day. Make sure to bring a sweater, or cool leather or jean jacket, for night because the temperature drops and gets very chilly.

Josephine Skriver: I would say some festival dos include wearing sunscreen, wearing cute and comfortable clothes (especially shoes) and having a fully charged battery so you can download the festival app and see who’s playing when.

What are your festival don'ts?

JT: Don’t wear heels! It’s a long weekend with a lot of walking around so wear comfy shoes.

JS: Don’t try and do everything. The weekend has so many things going on and can feel overwhelming so try and make a plan, but be fluid about it.

What's the most memorable time you've had at a festival?

JT: I would say this year has been pretty memorable. I got to spend a lot of time with my fellow Angels and it’s the first time Victoria’s Secret has done Angel Oasis so that’s all been really cool.

JS: This year was really fun because I got to spend time with all of my Angels. It’s always great when we’re together and we all love music too so it’s fun to just dance and enjoy each other's company.

Are you a camper or a glamper?

JT: I’m a glamper. I’m not opposed to camping, but if you can make the experience a little more luxurious, why not?

JS: Maybe a little bit of both. I could rough it if I needed to, but glamping is a nice break from that.

What's in your festival handbag?

JT: A portable cell phone charger, my Victoria’s Secret lip matte and Bombshell roller ball - to look and smell good - and an instant camera.

JS: My wallet, cell phone with additional charger, and Victoria’s Secret lip matte to keep my look fresh.

What's special about the Angel Oasis house?

JT: Victoria’s Secret decided that they wanted to make the Angel Oasis a getaway from all of the festival craziness. It’s really a place to relax and unwind and have beauty treatments, pick out some things from the collection to wear to the festival and listen to cool music.

JS: The Angel Oasis is different and special because it’s a place to relax and add to your festival wardrobe. When you’re working and don’t have a ton of time to prepare before getting to festival, it’s a nice one-stop shop for beautiful hair, makeup and wardrobe options.

Who are you most looking forward to seeing play at Coachella?

JT: Definitely Lady Gaga. She rocked the stage at the Fashion Show last year and really knows how to adapt to all audiences so her performance at the festival is nothing short of amazing.

JS: I’m a huge fan of Hans Zimmer and of course Lady Gaga is amazing.

Who would you most like to see play live in the world?

JT: Beyoncé is the ultimate!
JS: Definitely AC/DC.

Although the VS show is only once a year, you're friends with the other girls throughout the year - what's the secret to getting along all the time?

JT: We see each other all year long when we shoot campaigns and I think the best part about being together is that we’re all just girls who want to have positive energy around us and have fun. Of course everyone has their off days when they’re not feeling so great, but for the most part, we just make each other laugh.

JS: We’re always together. We even live near each other! I think it’s just really about support. We are happy for each other’s successes and I think that’s really important in friendship.

If you could create your own festival, what would it look like? Who would play? And what would be the theme?

JT: If I could create my own festival, it would definitely be very similar to Neon Carnival; filled with lights and a lot of carnival rides! Everyone would be encouraged to wear bright colours and light up the city! My headliners would be Justin Timberlake, The Chainsmokers, Beyoncé, Britney Spears and Justin Bieber!

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